Friday, October 30, 2020


 Hello everyone!

Now I know the title is kinda weird but it's true cats are pretty awesome, :p

Anyway what this post is about is this weeks writing which is about if cats should be banned or not.

Sadly I only had two days to work on this so I hope it turned out good and that you all enjoy it I think that I would have liked to make some of the paragraphs longer but couldn't think of any fluff to fill the paragraphs with.

Anyway I hope you enjoy it and here it is!

Why Cats shouldn’t be banned.

By Lucretia.

General Statement.

There has been a debate lately on whether or not cats should be banned in New Zealand and as you can see from the title of this I do not believe that  cats should be banned in New Zealand you will see why but first why are people thinking about banning cats in New Zealand?

Why do people want to ban cats?

There is a village down in the South Island that is planning to ban cats and other parts of New Zealand have thought that this might be a good idea.

The reason they are thinking about banning cats is to try and protect their wild-life as cats are killing many of our native birds and since these birds are so rare we want to save them, but banning cats will not help us with this problem as I will show you now.

Why would banning cats make even more birds die?

You might be wondering ‘What do you mean more birds would die!’ Well let me explain.

If you were to just ban cats it would mean that people couldn’t have cats after their other cats die, but because they wouldn’t be allowed more cats that would mean that stray cats wouldn’t be saved and shelters would most likely stop saving cats meaning that their would be many more strays and this means that all these cats would be killing birds and you might say ‘ okay well even if they were kept these cats would still be killing animals’ but if a cat is owned then it is less likely to kill animals because the cat/s can be taught while if they are wild no one will be looking after it and teaching it not to kill these animals.

Cats also multiply very quickly meaning if they are just left out in the wild more and more cats would just keep coming meaning more and more strays and more and more birds would be dying because cats are natural hunters and this is what they do so just because you ban them does not mean that they are gone.

What could we do to save these native birds instead of banning cats?

I personally think that instead of banning cats we could save these birds and bring them somewhere will they will be safe to live and breed without having cats being able to get to them because this way hopefully everyone would be happy because people could keep their cats and have cats and the native birds would be safe and most likely there would then also be more of each species because they would be breed in these areas.

So yes I think that doing this would be much better than banning cats because while cats might have some bad things about them they still have good things that come with them and a lot of people really love cats and banning them would make lots of people really sad while doing this means everyone will be happy as I have said multiple times.


Now that I have shown why Cats shouldn’t be banned I hope you all feel the same way about making nature reserves instead of banning cats, hopefully you enjoyed and goodbye!


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Pink shirt day News!

 Hello everyone!

So today we were doing cyber smart and our create task was to make a newspaper page thing on either pink shirt day or Niuean language week I wasn't there for the day all the activities happened for Niuean language week and so I decided to make the page on pink shirt day I hope you like it!

So this is the paper I tried as hard as I could to make it look realistic, I think if I were to change anything I would probably do something with the text but that's about it I think I did alright with the rest!
I hope you liked it and if you have any feedback please tell me bye!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What is Media?

 Hello humans!

Today my class did cyber smart for the first time in ages!

So what we did today was learn what media is exactly and for the create part I ended up making a Kahoot so here it is I hope you and maybe your class enjoy!


Sorry it's just a screen castify!
I couldn't get my kahoot link so I just had to do a screen castify I hope you guys still enjoyed though and that you learnt some stuff about media bye!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Election of 2020

 Hello everyone!

So I know it's pretty early in the week but I'm gonna be posting my writing because I'm a huge nerd and I have already finished!

So this weeks writing is about the election that happened last weekend!

It is quite long but I hope you enjoy and I hope that I have explained things well.

The Election of 2020. 

By Lucretia.

General Statement.

The election has finished and we now have chosen who will be in power for the next three years.

Today I will talk about why we vote and who won the election. I hope you enjoy it and let's get into it. 

Why do people vote?

Well before I answer that question I should probably talk about what we are voting for.

When we vote we are voting for who we want to be in charge of our country the main parties that are voted between are-

Labour- Labour is a middle ground party meaning they want to help with the environment but also want to make sure we use sources so that they can help with housing they also want more inclusion in LGBT and other races.

National- National is a more right hand party and want more for the economy than the environment, while they still want to do things to help the environment it may not be as much as Labour and other parties, what they want to do for the economy is a lot more.

Greens- Greens is a completely left hand party meaning they are all for the environment and including LGBT and other races, they have many policies and while this is an information report I do have to say they are my favourite party personally.

As I said this is a very Left hand party and they are all about the environment and inclusion.

Act- Act is a very Right hand party and basically the opposite of Greens, they are very much about the economy, as I said with National they do have some things they want to do to help the environment but most of their policies are about the economy of NZ

If you would like to figure out more about each party here is the link to each of the parties policies.

Act   Greens   National    Labour

Now I know this part has gone on for a while but there is a bit more to be said.

Another thing we vote for is a candidate to run our electorate, an electorate is the area we live in, some are Mount Roskill, Papakura, Rotorua and more.

Anyways there is always one candidate for almost every party when we vote for a candidate we are voting for who we want to look after the people in our area including yourself.

Alright I think after that it is easy to understand why we vote but basically we vote so that we can have a voice in what we want so if someone wants to help the environment and are more left hand they might vote for Greens or if they want more for the economy they might vote for National there are also many other parties but the ones I talked about are the main ones.

Who won the election this year?

This year Labour got the most votes with 49% of the votes meaning they will be in power for another three years.

In second place National came in with 26.8% meaning they couldn’t win even if they teamed up with another party like Act and during the Election Judith Collins the Leader of National made a speech conceding defeat because she knew they couldn’t win.

Third came Act who got 8% of the votes and while it seems they got more than Greens technically they tied seeing as they both got the same amount of seats.

Fourth came Greens and as I said even though they got 7.6% of the votes they technically tied with Act because both the parties got only ten seats.


The Maori Party also got 1% of the votes and the rest of the parties got 0%

Seeing as Labour had gotten so many votes they could either choose to control the government by themselves or take on another party to help them, so far they haven’t decided.


That is all that I will be talking about and I hope that now if you didn't know some things about the election, that you do now. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day.

Sorry it was so long!

If you read this far well done and if you have any feedback for me please tell me in the comments!

I think if I were gonna change anything I would try and make the first paragraph shorter so that I could do three paragraphs without it  being to long.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and goodbye!